Snapshot 1.1 – Action management re-invented: foster collaboration and streamline operations!

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Our objective here at Cuurios is to provide the tools that will digitalize and streamline industrial operations, foster collaboration and ultimately unleash an industry data revolution. One of the very valuable and logical use cases for our software platform is the ability to manage, assign and track production related actions. These actions are (in many organizations) currently not managed in a standardized way and I’m sure most of you recognize all these different action lists in various Excel files on shared drives you’re supposed to keep an eye on…

What is it that we do differently?

Exactly that is what motivated us to do it differently, starting by listening carefully to the key criteria we collected during user interviews and conversations with clients. The resulting key criteria we sketched on the board at that time were the following:

  • User friendly, intuitive to use
  • Performant, also on remote connections with limited bandwidth
  • Flexible, customizable and scalable
  • Asset centred, industry ready
  • Data-driven

We want our users to like working with our tools by motivation and not because they are forced to. This simply means we put user experience as our top priority. The simplest things can make a huge difference when it comes to usability. During the first trials with users, we’ve put all our effort in it to make sure every button, entry field or other user interaction in the tool is logical and intuitive for them (and not just for us as product owners 🙂 ).

What does it imply if we put user experience first?

The tool is optimized for use in limited bandwidth environments, resulting in a very snappy and performant UI, even in remote locations. This is the result of a strong focus on the optimization of the application data structure and architecture as well as the optimization of all our data calls (only load the data you need seems a simple philosophy, but unfortunately not the reality in many applications).

Flexible because we understand not every company is the same. So if a client is used to name the priority of an action ‘severity’, they can configure it to be labelled as severity. And if you want three simple straightforward severity levels to select from or five or ten, it’s your choice. If you want an action to be constructed of five simple properties or twenty, all fine! We basically allow you to fully customize the template of your actions and their lifecycle (workflow) to fit your case.

Why is it such a good fit for asset-rich industries?

Asset centred because we focus on solutions for asset rich environments. Actions in these environments are simply always related to assets. A plant, a unit, a pump a vessel, you name it. Your asset structure is represented in the solution by importing the asset hierarchy and definition from your asset management tool. This allows to link the actions to the asset it concerns. It also allows you to set the user permissions linked to the assets.

And the best of all? You can fully automate the creation and the state (i.e. from open to closed) based on your streaming production and asset data. Translating your data to meaningful insights using simple rules, thresholds and complex algorithms has never been so easy. You’ll never miss any of these insights as we provide powerful features, to track, assign and manage these actionable insights.

Want to learn more? We’re happy to demonstrate our product: please leave us a message at: and we’ll contact you to set up a demo!

Stop thinking. Start doing.

Clients tell us that implementing our product feels like their data-congested brain finally gets the much-needed neurological wiring that prompts action. Finally, you understand what is happening. Finally, you know what to do next. Finally, you can act confidently.

Digital workflow optimization for asset rich businesses.